Título | JASON and DEADPOOL meets ALIEN and PREDATOR. |
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Notícia | EXT. KARNAK - EGYPT - DAY The sun shines. From the distance, we can observes DEADPOOL that get outside from the CHAMBER. He tries to clean his suit and looks around. In the middle of many columns we observes JASON that walks with his MACHETE on his hand. The ANGLE OPEN TO REVEL PREDATOR above one COLUMN and he observes JASON on foreground (f.g.) and after that DEADPOOL in background (b.g.) POINT OF VIEW PREDATOR - INFRARED JASON walks to outside the columns and DEADPOOL is a little far from him. PREDATOR observes, listen, record and analysis. DEADPOOL BACK TO SCENE PREDATOR From the distance we can observes one HUGE SPACESHIP that just arrive. JASON walks towards the spaceship that open the GATE. In foreground (f.g.) DEADPOOL tries to reaches him. DEADPOOL POINT OF VIEW DEADPOOL JASON get inside the spaceship and DEADPOOL follow him. INSIDE THE SPACESHIP We can observes two big HALLS on the left and on the right. DEADPOOL DEADPOOL walks fast and tries to find one BATHROOM. He open one door, gets in and closes the door. After that we can hear DEADPOOL inside there. The spaceship takes off and a few minutes later have a BLACKOUT. ON THE BATHROOM DEADPOOL (O.S.) ON THE HALL The LIGHT TURNS ON and we can observes JASON that walks with his MACHETE. MOTHER (V.O.) ON THE BATHROOM DEADPOOL (O.S.) MOTHER ( V.O.) DEADPOOL (O.S.) MOTHER (V.O.) DEADPOOL get outside the THE BATHROOM. DEADPOOL MOTHER (V.O.) ON THE HALL A big door open and JASON get inside. THE LABORATORY JASON looks around and we can observes many EGGS of ALIENS on the shelf. JASON gives his back to the eggs and one of them tries to get outside of the egg. Then the creature jump and flies very fast to the JASON that turns and slice the creature with his MACHETE. Then JASON walks to get outside the LAB, but another creature jump and reaches JASON'S FACE. ON THE HALL DEADPOOL walks and find the Laboratory. THE LABORATORY DEADPOOL looks around and observes the eggs of aliens. After that, he finds JASON on the floor with the creature stuck on his face. DEADPOOL DEADPOOL gets detach the creature that falls on the floor dead. JASON picks up your MACHETE and get up. DEADPOOL walks to outside and runs into something INVISIBLE. It's PREDATOR that apears and takes off your HELMET. DEADPOOL PREDATOR takes a combat position. PREDATOR DEADPOOL run and jumps on the PREATOR'S arms. DEADPOOL PREDATOR throws DEADPOOL to the arms of JASON that throws DEADPOOL to the ground. Then, JASON and PREDATOR starts to fight. DEADPOOL JASON tries to hit the PREDATOR with his machete, but he blocks it with his sharp hook and kicks JASON that falls on the floor. After that, PREDATOR types and prepares a BOMB. Then, he throws it to the ground and goes to the exit. The BOMB starts counting down, but stops working. DEADPOOL picks up the BOMB and tries to deliver it back to the PREDATOR. JASON walks and leaves the LAB. DEADPOOL The BOMB works again, and DEADPOOL throws it to the bottom of the LAB. Then, DEADPOOL and PREDATOR run outside and the BOMB EXPLODES. by Sergio Clemente.
Fonte | www.screenplayhouse.com.br |